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  • Writer's pictureCrowLee

Biden Dies of a Broken Heart

Transit Chart, Traditional

Regiomontanus House System

May 18, 2023, 2:14pm, Washington, DC &

November 20, 1942, 8:30am, Scranton, PA

On the afternoon of May 18th, Mars will be transiting over President Biden's natal 8th house of death and decay while, at the same time, there will be an exact solar opposition with the transiting Sun just below POTUS's natal DSC. That solar opposition could mark the beginning of the end for the Commander-in-Chief.

Cause of death? Based on the moon transiting: a) Biden's natal 6th house of illness and disease, and b) the bound of Jupiter who rules, among others, arteries and ventricles, the likeliest cause of his passing will be a heart attack. The moon's association with the body and, more specifically, the chest/breast, further suggests that it'll be his ticker that gives out.

If we bring outer planets into the mix, Biden also has transiting and natal Uranus in the 6th which sometimes indicates maladies of the lungs - Long Covid being another very likely culprit.

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